Thursday, July 17, 2014

27 in 27: The “done” list



In honour of my impending 27th birthday I came up with this idea to help “celebrate”. I know 27 isn’t really a big deal, not like 18,21 or 30, but never the less it is a reminder that I am getting older (wiser? smarter? prettier? more fun?) and instead of being a bad thing, it should more positive! In order to do so, I’ve created this list of 27 things I have done in my life thus far; things which are accomplishments, happy times, and things which remind me that with ever year that passes, good things happen.

  1. I graduated High School
  2. I graduated University
  3. I got my drivers license
  4. I’ve bungee jumped
  5. I’ve sky dived
  6. I’ve hiked up the highest mountain in Wales (Mt Snowdon)
  7. I’ve read the entire Harry Potter book series
  8. I’ve run in 4 Mother’s day classics (8km)
  9. I’ve consumed an entire litre stein of beer in Germany
  10. I’ve been on the fastest steel roller coaster in the world (Forumla Rossa)
  11. I’ve been white water rafting
  12. I’ve seen the pyramids in Egypt
  13. I’ve abseiled down waterfalls
  14. I’ve been skiing
  15. I moved (a lot)
  16. I’ve been on a cruise ship
  17. I’ve gone camping
  18. I’ve gone paragliding
  19. I’ve parasailed
  20. I’ve been to Bangkok, Cambodia & Phucket
  21. I’ve travelled through most of Europe
  22. I did a road trip starting in Ireland, into Northern Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales.
  23. I’ve eaten raw sea urchin
  24. I’ve had a piercing (vertical inverse navel piercing) in Amsterdam
  25. I’ve been to 2 concerts (Good Charlotte and John Butler)
  26. I’ve had my wisdom teeth taken out (is this a good thing?!)
  27. I’ve lived for 27 years
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  1. Hi Kerri,
    I hope you don't mind but I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    1. You are awesome; thank you so much. :) I don't mind at all!
