Sunday, April 13, 2014

Organisation Dilemmas

Over the weekend, the guy and I decided to rearrange the lounge room in anticipation for when we do a bit of home renovations and throw up a new wall to divide some of the space we have. With that rearrangement came the prospect of new bookshelves as well as having to take everything off the pre-existing shelving units, move the units, and then put everything back on the units. The guy knows perfectly well that re-shelving everything is my job and my job only.

If it were up to him, everything would just be put on the shelves with SOME consideration for where everything should go, but not an in-depth consideration of where things go and WHY they should go there.

You can see where this is going, I’m sure.

Half the battle during our move around was the prospect of getting new furniture, bookshelves and such. I’m not one to turn down a new bookshelf, because new bookshelves means MORE BOOKS! However, when it was posed to me that the new bookSHELF would be going on one side of the unit, I abruptly pointed out that that wouldn’t work because there needed to be new bookSHELVES either side. BECAUSE YOU JUST DON’T MESS WITH EQUILIBRIUM! My brain cannot fathom having ONE bookshelf on ONE side because then it throws out the balance on the other side. There has to be TWO. Fortunately, that idea changed after we got a new speaker set, so I wasn’t all that concerned. It did however become an issue again in the bedroom because the guy suggested we get a narrower set of drawers to go next to our current set of drawers and I vetoed that on the grounds that it would be, once again, messing with the equilibrium.

However, here I sit on the couch, staring at the shelving units we have, trying to figure out how everything needs to be. I have to consider the weight limit of each shelf; I have to consider keeping all the books by particular authors together; I have to consider how to keep a balance between one side of the unit and the other; and I have to make sure that when I sit on the couch everything just ‘works’ because if it doesn’t ‘work’ and I’m sitting there trying to watch a movie, something is going to irk me in the corner of my eye.

Right now, I’m considering whether having on side dedicated to ‘entertainment’ (DVD’s, subwoofer and a collection of pop vinyl toys) and one dedicated to books and reading is going to work. It’s not. I can tell you right now, because the book side is also home to board games, which technically fall under the jurisdiction of ‘entertainment’.

So. Either I was really good at Feng Shui in a previous life, OR I was bat-shite-crazy, with OCD, control issues, and a high chance of being institutionalised.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets anxiety when trying to organising shelves?!


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